Batch No.1

Welcome to My Online Blog!

Where Do I Begin ? Oh Boy!
How about, we concentrate on our inner most thoughts
Those thoughts, that are rarely discussed or
openly talked about during meetings, reunions with friends
or at lunch during work break.
Those we dare not to mention
Because, sure enough, people would start looking at us
As if we have become lunatics or have three heads.

Yes, we all have had those.
We can't control them
For instance, myself, last year, 2017
When I hit 30
I knew there was an inevitable change in me
and I felt and saw it come from a mile away
It all started from within, until I couldn't
battle with my own demons anymore, and it all
consumed myself, turning me into a whole new person.


Who was this person?
Where did he come from?
Had this been the person I had always meant to be?
Is this the right direction?

Maybe yes, maybe not.
Who knows...
All I know is that :
No matter what life throws at you
If you don't say what's inside your head
slowly, but surely, one way or the other
It will find its way out
Again, no control over this
We are humans after all

Who are we, when we don't wear a mask?
Who are we, when no one is looking ?
When everyone is gone from the party?
When we look in the mirror, and we face
the person staring at us from the other side....

Who are you when there's no one around ?
Are you happy with who you are?
Where are you going?
How many times a day you feel fulfilled?

Those questions, while seemingly small
Are very important...
Just think about it, who are we ?

P.S.: If you made it all the way through the bottom, I thank you for bearing with such repetitive thoughts....after all, it's 3am, and no one is supposed to be awake :)
